Thursday, November 19, 2009

Out with the Negative---Bring on the Holiday Cheer

Yes, yes, I know that last post was pretty harsh---as stated way back in the beginning, this blog is my therapy. My way to say things I can't scream out loud. Living with an aging mother-in-law has been one of the hardest things I've ever had to do, that includes guiding two kids through all the temptations and trials to get them to adulthood. Men can be husbands, or sons, but being both under the same roof is a momentous challenge, if not damned near impossible. I wonder if the reverse for a woman is true, balancing being a wife and a daughter under the same roof with an aging father? Regardless, being the in-law in the mix is not fun, at least it isn't for me and my mother-in-law. C'est la vie. We all do what we have to do. The burden is heaviest on my husband and for that I am sorry.
I live in Austin for days like today. November and GORGEOUS. I hate the heat of the summer, every other time of year, I love it. I always say I live in Texas for the winters, not the summers.
I'm going to adjust my attitude to embrace the positive upcoming events and let the other crap stay in the background.
Bring on the Holiday Cheer, the whirlwind is about to start. Let's see, first item that may or may not occur: It sure would be nice to send out some Christmas cards shortly after Thanksgiving, since I haven't managed to do it for the last couple of years. And I have my mother to blame for making me feel like I need to write a short, personal note in just about every card. Not to dare send out a mass produced letter, but personalize each card with a short synopsis for the relatives and friends who haven't heard from me in a while. The channeling of Martha Stewart begins---if only I had a staff!

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